
latest press releases

09. July 2020 - Press Release

Frank Otto, entrepreneur and investor, joins the United Sustainability Group and takes over shares of the investment company United Sustainability GmbH.

16. June 2020 - Press Release

Strong international partnership for landscape protection, ecosystem restoration and regenerative economy: World Future Council and German Ocean Foundation acquire shares of the United Sustainability Group.


30. November 2022 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm is guest on the Austrian TV show “4Gamechangers” by ORF and plus24.

He argues here for a new economic governance that directs people's innovative power towards more sustainability (‚Lebensdienlichkeit‘), towards strengthening the real economy and the commons, and towards cultivating our quality of life instead of being unidimensionally focused on financial profit maximization.
23. November 2022 - Publication

Dr. Daniel Dahm co-authors the Routledge publication “The Impossibilities of the Circular Economy. Separating Aspirations from Reality”.

18. November 2022 - News

Anna Katharina Meyer and Hannes Matt are penalists of the knowledge cities world summit conference KCWS 2022 on the subject of corporate sustainability reporting.

They discuss the way towards a corporate reporting methodology of strong sustainability, which makes the planetary boundaries the yardstick of economic activities.
16. November 2022 - Publication

The knowledge cities world summit conference KCWS 2022 publishes Hannes Matt’s paper “Methodological conflicts in the field of corporate sustainability reporting. Current developments and moving forward”.

The paper discusses the current conflicts of CSR reporting in the light of the recent developments in standard-setting and the fields future.
13. October 2022 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm opens the event “Sportopia 22 – Das Forum für nachhaltigen Sport”.

On October 13, 2022, prominent representatives of the Austrian sports landscape, officials, clubs, athletes, and companies, met in Trofaiach in Upper Styria. Dr. Dahm opened the event with a keynote "Spielfelder für Re:Generation und Lebensdienlichkeit. Perspektiven für einen Sport mit Zukunft" (Playing fields for re:generation and sustainability. Perspectives for sport with a future).
09. September 2022 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm speaks at Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V. event “From growth to transformation: No limits to learning?” about the end of growth and transformative leadership.

29. August 2022 - News

Daniel Dahm at the first World Ethics Forum in Pontresina, Switzerland.

28. August 2022 - Publication

World Future Council adopts the Pontresina Declaration at the World Future Forum in Pontresina, Swizerland.

The Pontresina Declaration urges the UN system and the international community to step up efforts for ecosystem restoration and for securing the universal right of all life to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
30. July 2022 - Publication

United Sustainability comments on the IFRS Foundations ISSB draft standards for sustainability reporting.

A true sustainability reporting standard must build on a systematic and complete list of a company’s ecological impacts, a natural capital accounting, as demanded by Dr. Daniel Dahm and United Sustainability already in March 2020. Dynamic materiality that is centered around financial interests, as proposed by the ISSB, is insufficient in this regard.
22. June 2022 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm speaks at “Symposium Kultur der Nachhaltigkeit” at the Donau-Universität Krems.

"Coevolution in the cultural paradigm shift. From preservation of the status quo to regeneration" is the title of his lecture at the event, which was organized jointly with the German Club of Rome.
16. June 2022 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm opens the “5. Forum Anthropozän” at Donau Universität Krems.

“We are burning the future prospects of our children. We have robbed them of healthy soils and intact food chains, and we have further restricted their own potentials for development, while failing to take advantage of our own potentials” as Dr. Daniel Dahm says in the film "Menschenzeit", which was produced from the contributions of the participants of the conference.
28. April 2022 - News

United Sustainability as guest at the Club of Rome dinner at the Anglo-German Club in Hamburg.

While Dr. Dirk Hamann, together with German Federal President Christian Wulff, moderates, Dr. Daniel Dahm opens the event with a lecture about the conditions and possibilities of the sustainability transformation of companies in the light of the concept of strong sustainability.
05. April 2022 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm at the Club of Rome panel and symposium “Change Finance and Finance Change” in cooperation with the Arts and Nature Social Club and the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt.

09. December 2021 - Publication

Potsdam Manifesto 2005: “We have to learn to think in a new way” published in the second edition.

On the occasion of the Einstein Year 2005, Dr. Daniel Dahm, Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr and Rudolf zur Lippe wrote the Potsdam Manifesto and the Potsdam Memorandum. It bridges quantum physics, ecology and philosophy and shows that diversity, difference and change are evolutionary principles of our living world. In December 2021, it has been published in second edition and as public commons by oekom.
10. November 2021 - News

Leading beyond Authority. Learnings from “Die Klimawette”.

Anna Katharina Meyer speaks at the “Common Purpose Meridian Auftakt Rheinland”.
04. November 2021 - Publication

“Urban Subsistence. The Second Source of Prosperity” by Dr. Daniel Dahm and Dr. Gerhard Scherhorn is published in the second edition by oekom.

Building on his dissertation, Daniel Dahm, together with the economist and former member of the "Sachverständigenrat zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung" (German Council of Economic Experts) Dr. Gerhard Scherhorn, describes the subsistence sector in this book as, among other functions, an enabler of employment and an integral component of social cohesion.
25. October 2021 - News

Dr. Dirk Hamann moderates the Club of Rome Dinner at the Hotel de Rome Berlin with Saori Dubourg.

25. September 2021 - News

Green supply chains and sustainable procurement

Anna Katharina Meyer speaks at “Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit” of the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). In her presentation, Meyer talks about, among other things, how GIZ could practically apply the concepts of efficiency, consistency and sufficiency in procurement. She also reflects critically on the concepts and their lack of ability to address ecological boundaries.
29. June 2021 - News

Future Policy Award 2021 crowns five best policies protecting from hazardous chemicals.

19. June 2021 - Publication

Knowledge for the Anthropocene.

With human-induced environmental impacts disrupting human life in deeper ways and at a wider scale than anything previously experienced, this multidisciplinary book looks at the ways that current knowledge bases seem inadequate to help us deal with such realities.
17. June 2021 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm speaks at ZEIT-Gespräch, 4. Forum Anthropozän

10. June 2021 - Publication

Act now! Reflections in existential times.

45 renowned authors reflect on the extraordinary challenges of the 21st century causing our planetary burnout and calling for system change.
09. March 2021 - News

United Sustainability as part of the coalition successfully requesting for ethical investment standards of the Norwegian Pension Fund.

15. October 2020 - Publication

Benchmark Nachhaltigkeit: Sustainability Zeroline.

Dr. Daniel Dahm answers three questions about his book and places his findings in the context of possible shifts in how we see ourselves as a result of the Corona pandemic.
18. June 2020 - News

Dr. Daniel Dahm speaks at ZEIT-Gespräch 3. Forum Anthropozän 2020.

23. January 2020 - News

Daniel Dahm speaks at “ZEIT Themenwoche Österreich 2022”.

23. January 2020 - News

Daniel Dahm speaks about a regenerative economy and sustainable urban planning at the event “ZEIT für Graz” in the course of the “Graz Kulturjahr 2020”.